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Bureau of Emergency Services

The Bureau of Emergency Services operates from nine station houses which are strategically located throughout the City to provide optimum coverage for emergency response. The stations are listed below along with their corresponding “first due areas” and the associated neighborhood group.

Firehouse Address Neighborhood
Station 1
T2, Squad 9
1979 N. Main St.
(203) 597-3401
Circa 1970
Bucks Hill, Lakewood, Newpac, Waterville
Station 2
E2, T3

519 E. Main St.
(203) 5979-3402
Circa 1905

Downtown, W.O.W
Station 4
823 Baldwin St.
(203) 597-3404
Circa 1900
South End, Gilmartin, Hopeville, E. Mountain
Station 5
1956 E. Main St.
(203) 597-3405
Circa 1931
East End, E. Mountain, Bouley Manor
Station 6
431 Willow St.
(203) 597-3406
Circa 1905
Willow/Plaza, Fulton, Overlook, Hillside
Station 7
E6, B2
315 Walnut St.
(203) 597-3407
Circa 1919
Newpac, W.O.W., Crownbrook
Station 8
 197 Bunker Hill Ave.
(203) 597-3408
Circa 1919
Bunker Hill, Country Club, Western Hills
Station 10
T1, B1
26 Field St.
(203) 597-3410
Circa 1915
Main St., Downtown
Station 11
740 Highland Ave.
(203) 597-3411
Circa 1981
Town Plot, Brooklyn, Country Club