12/20/2012 - City Office Relocation

Beginning on Friday, Dec. 21, 2012 and concluding on Friday, Dec. 28, 2012, the following City and Board of Education offices will be relocated:

- Fire Marshal's Office moving to Courtyard Level, One Jefferson Square (203-574-3452)

- Competitive Grants Office moving to Lower Level, Chase Municipal Building (203-574-3506)

- Special Education Offices moving to Second Floor, Chase Municipal Building (203-574-8017)

- School Readiness Offices moving to First Floor, Chase Municipal Building (203-573-6684)

- Building/ Inspections Department moving to Fifth Floor, One Jefferson Square (203-574-6832)

- City Plan moving to Fifth Floor, One Jefferson Square (203-574-6817)

- Engineering Department moving to Fifth Floor, One Jefferson Square (203-574-6873)

- Department of Public Works moving to First and Fifth Floor, One Jefferson Square (203-574-6851)

- Bilingual Education moving to First Floor, One Jefferson Square (203-574-8288)

- Superintendent of Schools moving to First Floor, Chase Municipal Building (203-574-8001)

- All offices in 30B Church St. are moving to First and Second Floor of Chase Municipal Building

Please call any of the above offices before visiting.  If you have any further questions, contact the Mayor's Office at 203-574-6712 or Citizen's Service Center at 203-597-3444.