7/7/2015 - Saturday Block Party to kick off Crownbrook Renaissance

Crownbrook residents are invited to a neighborhood block party on Saturday July 11 from noon to 2 p.m. at Summer and Hill streets. DJ Kenny Reeder will rock the block while free hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, salad, watermelon and soft drinks are served. The event will kickoff the Crownbrook Renaissance. Residents and merchants are encouraged to attend, meet the Crownbrook Renaissance Project Team and hear of their vision for the neighborhood. If you’re planning to attend, please call the GWBR at 203-596-2240 or Fanny Marone at 203-757-0022 by July 7 as they need a head count for planning purposes. The event also will feature a light bulb exchange for Crownbrook residents only. Bring your ID and five incandescent bulbs and receive five LED bulbs at no cost.